![]() Студопедия КАТЕГОРИИ: АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Angle grinder(торцекруглошліфовальний верстат)
An angle grinder is a handheld tool powered by an electric motor or petrol engine. This drives a gearer(зубчата) head on which mounts an abrasive disc that can be renewed when worn. There are a myriad of different discs that are used for various materials and tasks, such as cutting discs, buffing pads(шліфовальні колодки) and saws. Used widely in Engineering, in particular metalworking and construction, as well as in emergency rescues Практичне заняття № 51,52 Тема: Поперечно-стругальний верстат. SHAPER.
Shaper поперечно-стругальний верстат
A shaper is a machine tool used for shaping metal and other materials. It operates by sliding a hardened cutting tool backwards and forwards across the workpiece. On the return stroke, the tool may cut on its opposite edge, or may be lifted clear of the piece so it only cuts in one direction. The tool may be slowly driven across the workpiece using a screwthread so as to plane off a surface. Cutting fluid may be employed. Shapers have been largely superseded(витісняти) by milling machines or grinding machines in modern industrial practice, but they are still popular with some amateurs because the tooling for them is very cheap. The job mounts on a box shaped table in front of the machine. The height(висота) of the table can be adjusted to suit the job, and the table can traverse (пересікати) sideways, usually controlled by an automatic feed. A ram (салазки) slides back and forth above the job, and a tool on the end of the ram cuts a flat surface on the top of the job. A small slide permits feeding the tool downwards to put on a cut. Most common use is machining flat surfaces but with ingenuity (майстерність) and some acccessories a wide range of work can be done. Вправа 1 Find the English equivalents Різець, протилежний край, в одному напрямку, гвинтова нарізка, може бути використана, все ще популярні, дешевий ремонт, перед, може регулюватися, ковзає над деталлю, дозволяє, плоскі поверхні, маленький супорт.
Вправа 2 Find in the words from the text and learn these sentences 1. A shaper is a machine tool used for … metal and other materials. 2. It operates by sliding a hardened … … backwards and forwards across the workpiece. 3. Shapes have been replaced by … … in modern industry.
Вправа 3 Match two columns and translate the word combination. 1) Wide a) fluid 2) Shaping b) surface 3) Automatic c) tooling 4) Cheap d) range 5) Cutting e) feed 6) Flat f) metal
Вправа 4 Answer the questions 1. What is the shaper ? 2. How does it operate ? 3. What tools have been replaced the shapers ? 4. Where is the job on the shaper mounted ? 5. Can it be done a wide range of work on the shaper ? Практичне заняття № 53
Модульний контроль № 6
Практичне заняття № 54 Узагальнення та систематизація знань
Практичне заняття № 55,56 Lesson 1
Text A . Superhard materials from powder
The development of the engineering ,electronic, radiotechnical and electrotechnical industries is unthinkable without materials with special properties .They include , in particular, composite materials . Powder metallurgy figures in obtaining these and other materials.Composite materials have been produced by the hot compression methods, which are better in their propeties , espessially in durability , than similar materials obtained abroad.The antivibration alloys of the “iron-copper “ type made it possible to double the durability of drilling tools.This increased labour productivity by 20 percent .Welding electrodes made of powders used for resistance welding are 9-12 times more durable than those made by conventional methods. The operational principle of powder metalurgy is well known – an item of necessary size is modeled ,in a mould , out of very small metal grains .After that the item is put into an electrothermic furnace where the grains get sintered together . The coefficient of the use of metal grows by five times.An item made of powder is over three times cheaper.This saving is achived by :
a) a complete or partial liquidation of machining the item; b) the reduction of metal consumption by half or more; c) automation of pressing and sintering;
The time of operaton of powder article increases considerably .The sintered articles have alredy proved their advantages working in outer space , in deep sea conditions and inside various machines. It has been estimated that the output or 1 000 tons of powder articles save the labour of 190 workers , frees 80 metal – cutting machine tools and save 2000 tons of ferrous and non-ferrous rolled stock .
Active vocabulary
1 composite materials композитні матеріали 2 powder metallurgy порошкова металургія 3 hot compression methods метод гарячої пресовки 4 durability довговічність 5antivibration віброізолюючий 6 resistance welding контактне электрозварювання 7 conventional methods загальний метод 8 is modeled формується 9 furnace ливарна піч 10sinter зпікати 11 the reduction зменьшення 12consumption споживання 13 rolled stock . прокат 14 in obtaining для одержання 15 abroad широко ,повсюди 16an item, article виріб 17 development розвиток
Vocabulary exercises Exercise 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання ,використовуючи активну лексику уроку . 1.What materials have special proprties? 2.What industries are developed ,thanks to these materials? 3.What metallurgy obtains these materials? 4.What alloys double the durability of drilling tools? 5.Where are welding electrodes made of powder used for ? 6.What is the operational principle of powder metalurgy ? 7.What are the reasons of cheapness of the powder items? 8.Where are the sintered articles used? 9.What has been estimated?
Exercise 2. Знайдіть англійські еквіваленти наступних слів та словосполучень з тексту. Немислимий, а саме, інші матеріали , однакові матеріали, робити можливим, подвоювати , процент, більш довговічні , зерна, класти в, в п’ять разів , механічна обробка виробу, значно зростає, відкритий космос, всередині, звільняти.
Exercise 3 Знайдіть речення з наступними словами у тексті та перекладіть їх. Powder metallurgy, iron-copper type, well-known, metal consumption, deep sea conditions.
Exercise 4 Доповніть речення словами з тексту. 1._________ have cpecial properties which are necessary for _____________ of the different industries. 2._________ gives opportunity for composite materials be better in their properties such as ___________. 3. _________ doesn’t use _____________ electrodes made by conventional methods. 4.__________ is formed of small metal grains which they _________ _______ together. 5.There is no necessity of __________ the item. 6.Powder metallurgy minimizes metal ___________. 7.The advantages of ___________ are : working in outer space, in deep sea condition.
Crammar exercises
Exercise 5 Вкажіть час та стан присудка .Перекладіть речення. 1.Composite materials have been produced by the hot compression method. 2.Scientists have attained considerable succes in powder metalurgy. 3. Articles out of viscous ceramics has been recognized in many countries. 4.Powders more often than not cost more than metalrolling. Exercise 6. Виберіть вірний прийменник .
1.As a result … that ,an item made … powder is over three times cheaper. 2.These articles were made … conventional methods. 3. The items made of powders are necessary … electronical industry. 4. The sintered articles can work … various machines. 5. Much attention is being given , … present, … the modern equipment of the plant.
Exercise 7. |
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