![]() Студопедия КАТЕГОРИИ: АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Reference to Future Contact
I look forward to ... hearing from you soon. meeting you next Tuesday. seeing you next Thursday. The Finish Yours faithfully, (If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to) Yours sincerely, (If you know the name of the person you're writing to) Best wishes, Best regards, (If the person is a close business contact or friend) Sample Letter Here is a sample letter using some of these forms: Ken's Cheese House 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765 Tel: Fax: Email: kenny@cheese.com October 23, 2006 Fred Flintstone Sales Manager Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL Dear Mr Flintstone: With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856 The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Yours sincerely, Kenneth Beare Director of Ken's Cheese House
Практичне заняття № 42 МОДУЛЬНИЙ КОНТРОЛЬ № 5 за змістовим модулем
Практичне заняття № 43 Тема: Механічна обробка Machining Machining is an occupation or hobby that involves using a power-driven machine tool, such as a lathe or drill, to shape metal. Machining is a part of the manufacture of almost all metal products. Some plastic parts are machined. A person who specializes in machining is called a machinist. Machining operations For example, a lathe is a machine tool that generates circular sections by rotating a metal workpiece, so that a cutting tool can peel metal off, creating a smooth, round surface. A drill or punch press can be used to remove metal in the shape of a hole. Other tools that may be used for various types of metal removal are milling machines, saws, and grinding tools. Many of these same techniques are used in woodworking.Metal can be formed into a desired shape much more easily than materials such as wood or stone, especially when the metal is heated. A machinist may use a forging machine to hammer or mold a hot metal workpiece into a desired shape. Dies or molds may be used if the metal is soft enough, or under high pressures. A press is used to flatten a piece of metal into a desired shape. Machining is generally performed in a machine shop, which consists of one or more workrooms containing major machine tools Практичне заняття № 44 Тема: Верстати Machine-Tools These are the machines used in engineering to shape metals and other materials. Before the machine age this work was done with hardened hand tools, in particular, the chisel and hammer. It took a long time to obtain the necessary quality and accuracy. The metal was first given roughly its right shape by being either hammered when red hot or cast in a mold. Then the final shape was obtained by further hammering and by chiseling. Agreat advance was madewith the introduction of the file^a rTardene~cT steel tool, used to smooth the relatively rough surfaces left by the chisel. Nowadays, these hand tools are normally used only for final fitting and adjustment of parts made on machine-tools. The various complicated machine-tools now used by engineers are designed to do the same jobs as the hammer, the chisel and the file, but very much more quickly and efficiently, and with much wider range of application. The vastly increased production of modern times would never have been possible without these machines to take the place of hand work, nor could the hand-worker ever produce the precision now needed. The machine-tools which have replaced the chisel and file and which shape the metal by removing parts of it are shapers, planers, milling machines, drilling and boring machines, grinders and lathes and those which have replaced the hammer and which press the metal into the required shape are steam hammers, forging and pressing machines and sheetmetal work tools.
chisel зубило, долото range of application диапазон применения hammer молоток shaper поперечно-строгальный станок file напильник planer продольно-строгальный станок rough грубый sheetmetal work tool машина для листовой штамповки • Скажите, какие станки (механизмы) заменили а) зубило и напильник, б) молоток. Подтвердите свой ответ ссылкой на текст.
Практичне заняття № 45 Тема: Основні види сучасних верстатів
The Main Types of Modern Lathes Turret Lathe.The characteristic feature of a torrent lathe is the turret which is mounted upon a carriage the tools which are successively brought into the working position by indexing or rotating the turret. Many turret lathes also have systems of stops or gauges for controlling the travel of the turret carriage and cross-slide, in order to regulate the depth of a bored hole, the length of a cylindrical part or its diameter. Automatic Screw Machineincludes the making of all kinds of small nuts, washers, pins, collars, etc. They are also capable of great variety of operations. Characteristics features of screw machines in general are means for automatically locating successive tools in the correct working position. Drilling Machineswhich are used manly for drilling holes in machine parts are made in many different types designed for handing the various classes of work. Milling Machines.Milling is the process of removing metal with rotating cutters. The essential features of most milling machines are a power-driven table on which the work is done, and a spindle carrying one or more multiple-toothed cutters, slots or grooves. The Shaperis a machine that form surfaces. The planer has a reciprocating table has a reciprocating table which travels beneath a cross bar on which the tools heads are mounded. All motions for feed or cut take place either by dropping the cross bar, moving the tools head across the cross bar, or lowering the tool holder mounted on the tool head. Modern high-speed planers are now fully electrified. The Slotter.In machines the internal surfaces of a casting or forging and can do circular work by virtue of its pivoted table. Originally slotters were used for cutting keyways, machining the square holes in such parts as dog clutches and they are still used for this work in small shops.
Notes and commentary 1. Mounted upon a carriage – встановлений на каретці 2. Indexing or rotating – періодичний поворот деталі верстата на певній кут 3. Stops or gauges – стопори або фіксатори 4. Means for automatically locating successive tools – прилади для автоматичного розташування послідовних інструментів 5. Machine-parts – деталі машин 6. For handling the various classes of work – для виконання різних видів робіт 7. Rotating cutters – фрези, які обертаються 8. Power-driven table – стіл з механічним приводом 9. Multiple-toothed cutters – багато зубчасті фрези 10. By successive reciprocating cuts of a tool over the work – 11. In small steps – малими подачами 12. Plane surface – плоска поверхня 13. A reciprocating table – стіл, який рухається в зад і вперед 14. Motions for feed or cut take place – рухи для подачі або обробки різальним інструментом виникають … 15. By virtue of its pivoted table – завдяки тому, що стіл повертається на своїй осі 16. Cutting keyways – прорізання шпон очних канавок (пазів) Dog-clutches – кулачкова муфта Лексико-граматичні вправи Вправа 1 Сумістіть ліву та праву колонку і вивчіть назви верстатів 1. Turret lathe a) поперечно-стругальний 2. Automatic screw b) свердлильний верстат 3. Drilling machine c) стругальний верстат 4. Milling machine d) верстат для вирізання пазів 5. The shaper e) револьверний верстат 6. Planers f) фрезерний верстат 7. The slotter j) авто-гвинтовий верстат Вправа 2 Запишіть англійською мовою 1. Існує багато видів, такі як: револьверний верстат, фрезерний, поперечно-стругальний, свердлильний. 2. Сучасні високо – швидкісні стругальні верстати зараз повністю електричні. 3. Багато револьверних верстатів мають системи стопорів та фіксаторів. 4. Фрезерування – це процес зняття металу обертаючими фрезами. 5. Вони також можуть виконувати велику різноманітність операцій. Вправа 3 Складіть запитання до тексту, щоб вони охопили весь зміст.
Практичне заняття № 46 |
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