

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Тема: Металорізальний верстат

1. gearbox and headstock; 2. tailstock; 3. frame; 4. spindle; 5. feed gearbox;

6. electric motor; 7. control panel; 8. cross slide; 9. carriage; 10. tool block; 11. ways;

12. lead screw; 13. feed rod; 14. operating lever shaft; 15. operating and reverse handle;

Apron; 17. hand feed wheel




1. The engine lathe is the most commonly used machine-tool. It is used for great variety of metal operations, such as turning, drilling, screw cutting and many others.

2. The principal units of the lathe are the bed, the headstock, the tailstock and the carriage with the apron.

3. The bed is the base of any machine-tool and it is made of grey iron casting on which the saddle and the tailstock slide along special guide ways. The headstock is also located and bolted on the bed.

4. The headstock contains the spindle and the speed gearbox. The spindle is the part of the machine to which power is applied to rotate the work. The changing of the spindle speed is effected by levers.

5. The tailstock consists of a casting fitted to the bed. The function of the tailstock is to support one end of the work turned between centers and to mount the tools.

6. The carriage of the lathe, which carries the tool, is made up of two principal parts: the saddle and the apron. The saddle travels along the guide ways of the bed. The apron represents the front wall of the carriage. On the front of the apron are mounted the handles and levers by which the actions of the tool are controlled.


Лексико-граматичні вправи

     Вправа 1

Знайди правильний переклад слів та словосполучень

1. engine lathe 2. turning 3. drilling 4. screw cutting 5. headstock 6. tailstock 7. saddle 8. lever 9. apron 10. carriage 11. guide ways 12. handle a. задняя бабка b. фартук (суппорта) c. каретка d. передняя бабка e. сверление f. токарно-винторезный станок g. нарезание винтов h. рычаг i. рукоятка j. суппорт k. обточка l. направляющие (станка)



Вправа 2

Прочитай та перекладіть інтернаціональні слова

metal, operation, principal, spindle, function, centre, control, base, special, bolt.


Вправа 3

Запишіть англійською мовою.

Використовується, виготовлений, розміщений, складається, включає в себе, обертати, виконується, функція, деталь, підтримувати, закріплений, контролюється.

Вправа 4

 Знайдіть вірні закінчення речень

1. The unit that contains the spindle and the gearbox is called … . 2. The unit that supports one end of the work turned between centers is called … . 3. The unit .which carries the tool is called … . a) the carriage; b) the headstock; c) the tailstock.
4. The unit on which the saddle and the tailstock slide is called … . a) the carriage; b) the bed; c) the headstock.
5. The units, by which the actions of the tool are controlled, are called … . a) guide ways; b) the saddle and the apron; c) levers and handles.



Дай відповіді на запитання

4. What is the engine lathe used for ?

5. What are the principal units of the lathe ?

6. What units are located on the bed ?

7. What is the function of the tailstock ?

8. Where are the handles and levers mounted ?

Практичне заняття № 47

Тема: Типи фрезерних верстатів

Types of milling machines

1.There are two main types of mill(станок), the vertical mill and the horizontal mill.

2 . The vertical mill has a vertical spindle, but with an X-Y table that permits (дозволяти) positioning the work. Milling cutters are held in the spindle and rotate on its axis.

3.  Milling cutters (фреза) are designated in several groups; end mills(торцева фреза) , facing mills( лицева фреза) and form cutters( формувальна фреза). End mills can cut slots( канавки), steps ( шліци) and pockets(пази). Face mills are used to cut flat surfaces. Form mills can cut dovetails(деталі у виді хвоста ластівки), bevels( фаски) and t-slots( таврові канавки).

4 . A horizontal mill has the same sort of X-Y table, but the cutters are mounted on a horizontal arbor(вал) across the table. Cutters(фрези), called side mills, have a cross section like a circular saw, but are generally wider and smaller in diameter. Theу are used to mill grooves(пази) and slots(канавки). Plain mills(станок для фрезерування площини) are used to shape flat surfaces. Several cutters may be ganged(спарені) together on the arbor to mill a complex shape of slots and planes(площина). Special cutters can also cut grooves, bevels, any section desired.

5. A Milling machine is a power-driven machine used for the complex shaping of metal parts. A rotating cutter or bit which rotates concentric(концентричний) to the spindle axis(вал) (like a drill), and a worktable(робоча поверхня станка) that can move in three dimensions(розмір) relative to(відносно) the workpiece (in contrast to the drill which can only move in one dimension while cutting). The motion across the surface of the workpiece is usually accomplished(досягатися) by having a moveable table on which the workpiece is mounted, so arranged to move in two dimensions. Milling machines may be operated manually or under computer numerical control

6 . Milling machines can perform a vast number of complex operations, such as slot cutting, planing(стругання), drilling, rebating (вирізання пазів), etc.

Cutting fluid (змащувально-охолоджувальна рідина)is often pumped to the cutting site to cool and lubricate the cut, and to sluice away the resulting swarf (мілка металічна стружка)


Лексико-граматичні вправи

 Вправа 1

Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти.

Фрезерний станок, вертикальний шпиндель, фреза, вал, обертатися, вирізати пази, вирізати канавки, плоскі поверхні, фрези кріпляться, горизонтальний вал, бокова фреза, циркулярна пилка, менший у діаметрі, складні форми пазів, фреза яка обертається ,рухатися у трьох розмірах, стіл здатний рухатися, можуть управлятися вручну.


 Вправа 2

З’єднайте колонку А з колонкою Б, щоб одержати словосполучення. Перекладіть їх.

A               B

Milling         mills

Computer    shaping

Vertical        popular

Facing         control

Complex      machine

Quite           spindle



 Вправа 3

Вставте потрібне слово та перекладіть речення

1.End mills can …..slots, steps, and pockets.

a) open b) make c) rotate d) cut

2.Side mills are …. to mill grooves and slots.

a) rotated b) designated c) called d) used

3) ……mills are used to shape flat surfaces.

a) facing b) end c) plain d) grinding



 Вправа 4

Знайдіть відповідні закінчення речень

1.milling cutters are held…           a)the complex shaping of metal.

2.Side mills are ….                        b) cools and lubricates the cut.

3,A milling machine can do . . .     c)move in three dimensions.

4.A worktable can ….                    d) in the spindle.

5.Cutting fluid …                            e)wider and smaller in diameter.



Дайте відповіді на запитання по тексту

4. What are two main types of mill ?

5. What types of milling cutters can you name ?

6. How is a milling machine used ?

7. What operations can milling machine perform ?


Практичне заняття № 48

Тема: Токарний верстат

“Vertical turning mills”

3. The single-column vertical turning mills are universal high-speed machines. They are designed for roughing operations on a part made on steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metal.

4. The machines are provided with two heads: vertical turret head and horizontal side head. Vertical turret head travels along the horizontal ways of the cross-rail. Horizontal side head moves along the vertical ways of the columns.

5. The machine performs the following operations: cylindrical turning, facing, cutting, drilling, etc.

6. High rigidity of machines and their units as well as the wide range of table speeds and work feeds allow machining at most favorable cutting speeds and work feeds.


column – стойка

single column – одностоєчний

to design – призначати

part – деталь

to provide – забезпечувати


Лексико-граматичні вправи

Вправа 1

Знайдіть відповідні українські еквіваленти англійських слів та словосполучень

1. non-ferrous metal                               a) зубчаста передача

2. turning mill                                         b) багатодискова фрикційна муфта

3. roughing operations                            c) швидкість руху стола

4. finishing operations                            d) чорнова обробка

5. turret head                                           e) токарний верстат

6. side head                                             f) висока жорсткість

7. facing                                                  g) чистова обробка

8. drilling                                                 h) торцеве точіння

9. high rigidly                                          i) револьверна голівка

10. gear box                                             j) боковий супорт

11. multidisk friction clutch                    k) свердління

12. work feed                                           l) клиновий пас

13. table speed                                         m) кольорові метали

14. cross-rail                                            n) поперечна

15. V-belt                                                 o) подача заготовки


Вправа 2

Прочитайте та перекладіть інтернаціональні слова

universal, vertical, operation, metal, steel, horizontal, cylinder, machine, electric, motor, start.


Вправа 3

Знайдіть у кожному реченні підмет та присудок. Вкажіть час та стан (активний чи пасивний)

Вправа 4

Складіть діалог до тексту. Використовуйте мовні кліше

As far as I know …

It is possible to say …

Really ?

I think …

Don’t forget …

Can you explain ?


Дайте відповіді на запитання

3. What is the single-column ?

4. What are they designed for ?

5. What are the machines provided whit ?

6. How does vertical turret head travel ?

7. How does horizontal side head move ?

8. What operations does the machine perform ?

9. Does high rigidly machining at favorable cutting speed and work speed ?



Практичне заняття № 49,50

Тема: шліфувальний верстат

Grinding machine.

A grinding machine is a machine tool used for producing very fine finishes or making very light cuts, using an abrasive wheel as the cutting device. This wheel can be made up of various sizes and types of stones, diamonds or of inorganic materials. Grinding machines remove material from the workpiece by means of abrasion (шліфування) which can generate substantial (значну) amounts of heat.

The machine consists of a power driven grinding wheel spinning(який обертається) at the required speed (which is determined by the wheels diameter and manufacturers rating) and a bed to hold the work-piece. The grinding head can be controlled to travel across a fixed work piece or the workpiece can be moved whilst(поки) the grind head stays in a fixed position. Very fine control of the grinding head or tables position is possible using a vernier (верньєрний) calibrated hand wheel.


Робота з текстом


1. This universal grinder is designed for grinding cylindrical holes and faces of workpieces. It is widely used for lot production in various types of machinebuilding plants.

2. Machines of this type are of very massive construction, but they are designed in such a way that they can be operated as easily as machines of smaller sizes.

3. They are hydraulically operated and controlled by a single lever located at the front end of the machine. This single lever control all functions of the machine including all movement of the wheel slide, cross-feed, starting and stopping the work of the spindle.

4. The wheel spindle is driven by a V-belt from a motor located on a bracket on the wheel slide. The cross-feed for the wheel slide is operated by a hydraulic unit.

Лексико граматичні вправи

 Вправа 1

Знайди відповідний переклад

5. grinder                                          a. кронштейн

6. lever                                              b. заготовка

7. wheel-slide                                   c. встановлювати

8. cross-feed                                     d. прокольний напрямок

9. wheel spindle                                e. регулювати

10. bracket                                          f. шліфувальний верстат

11. wheel head                                    g. шліфувальний супорт

12. to clamp                                        h. поперечна подача

13. to set up                                         i. ричаг

10. to adjust                                        j. шліфувальна голівка

11. longitudinal direction                   k. шпиндель шліфувального кола

12. workpiece                                     l. затискати

 Вправа 2

Прочитай та переклади інтернаціональні слова

universal, cylindrical, production, types, massive construction, operate, hydraulically, control, function, start, stop, spindle, motor.

 Вправа 3

Продовжи речення

1. Hydraulic grinder is used for …     a) operated by a hydraulic unit.

2. Single lever controls …                  b) of very massive constructions.

3. The cross-feed …                            c) all movement of the wheel slide

4. Hydraulic grinder is …                   d) lot productions in the plant


Дай відповіді на запитання

1. What operations is the grinder designed for ?

2. What are the principal units of it ?

3. How are the hydraulic grinder operated ?


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