

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Make up dialogues, using the following words or word combinations.

1. to declare the value; to ensure a parcel

2. Poste Restante; letter, post office, mailbox, stamp, package, envelope, address, mail-carrier, write, special delivery.

3. trunk-call; N. isn't in, Is there any message? Speaking, This is... calling, Who's calling, please? Could you put me through to ...? I'm putting you through, I'm ringing your party now, ... speaking, the line is engaged, Can you hold on? Sorry to have kept you waiting, I'm putting ... on the line, Could I leave a message? Hold in a moment, please, ... is not availble, Is there any message? I'll call back later, right,

4.Hold the line, please, There is no reply (answer) at his number, You've got the wrong number, Sorry to have troubled (bothered) you, There is no one by name of ... here, this is a private residence, I'm sorry to have bothered you, That's quite all right, Could you speak up, please? Your voice is fading and there's some background noise interfering, We had a very bad connection, We could scarcely hear each other, Then we were cut off completely,

5. I want to book a call to ... for .. p.m., I want to place a call at .. for .. p.m., What number are you calling at? Will it be on credit? Is it a credit card call? I can't get through, Go ahead, please.

 You are wanted on the phone. Who is there ? Hold the line. Shall I give him the phone? I'm engaged now. I’ll ring you back in about t 5 minutes. I can't hear what you say. Speak louder, please.

Compose dialogues of your own for the following situations.

1) Your telephone rings and a voice tells you it's your former school-mate but he doesn't give his name, you start guessing.

2) You're discussing with your friend what to do about your telephone which has gone dead.

3) You're ordering a trunk-call to Vladivostok.

4) Discuss with your friend how to get information about the telephone numbers.

5) You're sending telegram by phone.

Develop the situations.

1) Speak about the functions of your local post office.

2) Describe the work of the post office on the eve of the holidays.

3) Say how you sent a telegram by phone.

4) Recall the day when the telephone turned out to be of great help to you.

5) Say what services you get by phone.

Write a letter on one of the following points.

1. Choose a famous historical character and pretend that you are related to him or her.

 2. Write a letter to a friend telling about something your famous relative has just done.

3. Sending messages in greeting cards is a popular custom in almost every country in the world. Nowhere, however, are as many greeting cards exchanged as in the United States. Design a greeting card for a groupmate, friend, or relative. You may choose to honour an upcoming occasion, write a note of friendship, or help cheer up someone. Write a personal message in your greeting card.

4. The first United States postage stamp was issued on July 1, 1847. In 1893 the Post Office issued the first commemorative stamps. Commemorative stamps honor anniversaries of important people and events. They may also celebrate the natural beauty of the nation or pay tribute to inventor, or hero. Design your own commemorative stamp. Select either a person or an event that you think should be honoured. Draw a picture that is appropriate for the stamp. Then write a paragraph explaining why the stamp commemorates that person or event.

Translate one of the above poems into Russian.

Be ready to talk on the following topics.

1) Explain to an Englishman visiting our country:

a) how to send a letter in Russia;

b)   how to get a post restante letter;

c) how to send a telegram;

d) how to get a post restante letter;

e) how we send or cash a money-order;

f) how we make arrangements with the local post office to have our mail forwarded.

2) Why I don't like (or like) to write letters.

3) What information (news) is usually sent by post.

4) Picture postcards in our country.

5) Why grandmother asked me to insure a parcel for her.

6) The best way to save money.

Be ready to talk on one of the following topics.

1) Explain how to make a telephone call from a telephone box.

2) Explain how an Englishman uses a public telephone.

3) Explain how to ring someone up using a private telephone.

4) State the advantages and disadvantages of having a telephone at home.

5) Explain how you book a long distance call.

6) Say how you dialed the wrong number and started to talk with the wrong person.

9.  Write an invitation to an imaginary party you would like to give.

Then write a thank-you letter to someone who has done something nice for you recently. It is proper and thoughtful to send written invitation to people you would like to have as guests. Thank-you letters should be written after you get a gift or go to a party, or after someone has done something thoughtful to you.

Do you consider telephone a blessing or a curse and a time-waster? Prove your point of new.




correspond v переписываться, е. g. Have you been corresponding with your pen-friend in Warsaw long?

correspondence n переписка

letter n письмо; private letter частное письмо; business let­ter деловое письмо; ordinary letter простое письмо; express letter срочное письмо; register­ed letter заказное письмо; to fold the letter сложить письмо; to close the letter за­печатать письмо; to open the letter вскрыть письмо

date n дата; 2. v датировать

handwriting n почерк; familiar handwriting знакомый по­черк; unfamiliar handwriting незнакомый почерк; to make out someone's handwriting разобрать почерк, е. g. As it was dark in the room he could not make out whose handwriting it was.

note 1 n записка

message 1 n сообщение, доне­сение; письмо; поручение

paper n бумага

note-paper n почтовая бумага envelope n конверт; at the bot­tom of the envelope внизу кон­верта; in the top right-hand corner of the envelope в правом верхнем углу конверта; to put the letter into an envelope вложить письмо в конверт; to close the envelope запечаты­вать конверт; to open the en­velope вскрывать конверт

stamp 1. n почтовая марка; inland stamp внутренняя мар­ка (марка страны); foreign stamp заграничная марка; to collect stamps собирать марки; 2. v наклеивать марку на конверт; (also: to stick a stamp on), e. g. Don't forget to stamp the envelope before sending your letter.

address 1. n адрес; right address правильный адрес; wrong ad­dress неправильный адрес; re­turn address обратный адрес; 2. v адресовать, е. g. It took me some time to make out whom the letter was address­ed to.

letter-box n почтовый ящик; to drop the letter into a letter-box опустить письмо в почтовый ящик

inquire 1 v спра­шивать, осведомляться (about, after, for), e. g. The man inquired about the nearest way to the post-office.

ask v спрашивать, осведом­ляться (about, after)

send (sent, sent) v посылать; to send a letter by airmail посылать письмо авиапочтой; to send books by book-post посылать книги бандеролью sender n отправитель post 1. n почта; to send by post посылать по почте; 2. v от­правлять по почте

postcard n почтовая открытка; picture postcard художествен­ная открытка

postman n почтальон

post-office n почтовое отделение department n отдел, отделение counter n прилавок, окно clerk n почтовый служащий deliver v доставлять, вручать, e.g. The telegram was deliver­ed at five p. m. delivery n доставка; timely delivery своевременная до­ставка; late delivery позд­няя доставка; morning (eve­ning) delivery утренняя (ве­черняя) доставка, е. g. We hoped that the letter would come yet by evening delivery.

hand v вручать, е. g. When was the letter handed to him?

sign v расписываться в полу­чении, e. g. Am I to sign for the letter?

mail n почта, почтовая коррес­понденция, e. g. The secre­tary sat at the table looking through the mail.

telegram n телеграмма;

form n бланк; to fill in a form заполнять бланк, е. g. To get a parcel one is to fill in a form and produce his pass­port.

parcel n посылка wrap v завернуть, обернуть to tie up with a string завязы­вать, обвязывать бечевкой, e. g. Don't forget to tie up your parcel with a string or they won't take it at the post-office.

weigh v весить, взвеши­вать. weight n вес

money-order n денежный пе­ревод; to send a money-or­der посылать денежный пе­ревод; to cash a money-or­der получать деньги по де­нежному переводу

receipt n квитанция to get a receipt получать кви­танцию

postmark n почтовый штемпель, е. g. The postcard had a " Riga" postmark.

postage n почтовая оплата, почто­вые расходы, е. g. What's the postage on a letter to England?

to write the name in full писать имя полностью

initials n pi ини­циалы, e. g. Shall I write the name in full or will the initials do?

inclose = enclose v вкладывать, е. g. There was a picture of my niece inclosed in the letter.

wire 1. n телеграмма; 2. v те­леграфировать, e. g. Wire your arrival.

by special delivery специальной доставкой (с нарочным)

delay in delivery задержка в доставке

letter to be called for письмо до востребования

handwritten letter письмо, на­писанное от руки

typewritten letter письмо, на­печатанное на машинке

anonymous letter анонимное письмо

postscript n постскриптум

signature n подпись; to witness a signature заверить подпись

legibly adv разбор­чиво

illegibly неразборчиво, нечетко

addressee n адре­сат, получатель

address bureau n адресный стол

despatch 1. n депеша, официаль­ное донесение, 2. v отправ­лять депешу

rate n тариф, расценка, цена

to declare the value объявлять ценность

to ensure a parcel оценивать посылку

to send a reply-paid telegram посылать телеграмму с опла­ченным ответом

Poste Restante (письма) до вос­требования

care of (с/о) через, для пере­дачи, е. g. Mr Green с/о Mr Robinson. Г-ну Робинсону для передачи г-ну Грину.


telephone (разг. phone) 1. n телефон; office telephone служебный теле­фон; private telephone личный телефон; public telephone те­лефон-автомат; home tele­phone домашний телефон; е. g. Have you a telephone at home?/Are you on the telephone at home? У вас есть домашний телефон? to speak over/on the telephone говорить по теле­фону. 2. attr. телефонный; telephone book телефонная книга; telephone number те­лефонный номер, абонент; tele­phone conversation телефон­ный разговор

NOTE: When saying tele­phone numbers 'nought' (0) is called [ou]

3. v звонить по телефону, теле­фонировать, e. g. Within two days, 1 was telephoning her.

NOTE: The verb to (tele)phone may be used both with the ргероsition to and without it, e. g. Dinny telephoned to Fleur and asked if she might come up to them I'll phone the Doctor

to ring/to call (smb.) up зво­нить кому-л. no телефону, e. g. He went down to the hall, shut himself up in a box, and rang up Michael's house. receiver n телефонная трубка dial n диск телефонного аппа­рата


The Beginning of a Telephone Conversation

inquiry office/bureau [bjua'rou] справочное бюро

lo take off/to pick up the re­ceiver снять трубку

to dial the number набрать но,-мер

to connect/to put through сое­динять, e. g. Put me through with/to Comrade N.

You are through. Вас соеди­нили.

Hallo Алло!

Who is (that) speaking? Кто говорит? This is N. speaking. Говорит Н.

3. On the Telephone

You are wanted on the phone. Вас просят к телефону

Who is there ? Кто у телефона?

Shall I give him the phone? Передать ему трубку?

Excuse me, I'm engaged now. I’ll ring you back in about t5 minutes. Извините, я сей­час занят. Я позвоню вам минут через пятнадцать.

I can't hear what you say. Speak louder, please. Я плохо вас слышу. Говорите громче.

N. isn't in, Is there any message? Н. вышел Что передать?

Hold the line/wire. He вешайте, не кладите трубку.

4.The End of a Telephone Conversation

Thank you very much. Good-bye. Большое спасибо, до свида­ния,

Hope to see you soon. Надеюсь скоро встретиться. (До ско­рого свидания.)

to hang up the receiver повесить трубку

to put down the receiver поло­жить трубку

Sorry for having troubled you. Извините за беспокойство.

5. Wrong Connection

There is no reply. He отвечают.

right(wrong) number правиль­ный (неправильный) номер

The number is engaged. Занято.

The line is engaged. Линия за­нята.

The line is free/clear. Линия свободна.

disconnect v разъединять

The telephone is in order. Теле­фон в исправности.

The telephone is out of order. Телефон испорчен.

6. Public Telephone

Is there a public telephone near here? Нет ли здесь поблизос­ти телефона-автомата?

telephone-box n телефонная будка

slot n прорезь, щель (автомата); to drop a coin into the slot опустить монету в автомат

automatic [pita'maetik] tele­phone/phone автоматический телефон

telephone call телефонный зво­нок, вызов по телефону; to make a telephone call поз­вонить, связаться по теле­фону

telephone directory телефонная книга

telephone apparatus l^aepa'reitos] телефонный аппарат

button n кнопка

hook /cradle n рычаг

mouthpiece n мик­рофон (часть телефонной трубки)

ear-piece n наушник (часть телефонной трубки]

signal ['signal] n сигнал, теле­фонные гудки

Get me number... , please. Дайте, пожалуйста, номер... .

Go ahead. Вас соединили, го­ворите.

Your call has been put through. Вас соединили.

to get at smb. дозвониться до кого-л.

Hold on. He вешайте, не кладите трубку.

Suppose I phone you/call you up/ring you up? А если я позвоню вам?

Suppose you ring me up? А что, если вы мне позвоните?

ringing off n отбои (гудки «занято») to ring off дать отбой (повесить


Something is wrong on the line. Повреждение на линии.

Something is wrong with the phone. Телефон испорчен.

telephone booth телефонная будка  

telephone exchange телефонная станция, комму­татор

telephone operator, telephone girl телефонистка

call-phone n неавтоматический те­лефон

telephone message/(tele)phoned tel­egram телефонограмма

urgent call срочный вы­зов по телефону

ordinary call обычный вызов по те­лефону

switchboard n коммутатор, переклю­чатель, распределительный шит

extension number доба­вочный номер

lever n рычаг (телеф.) telephone repairs service

бюро исправления повреждений repairman п монтер wire провод, проволока have a telephone installed/put in провести, поставить телефон trunk line междугородный телефон trunk-call office междугородный пе­реговорный пункт

trunk-call n вызов по междугород­ному телефону; to book a trunk-call заказать вызов по междуго­родному телефону

Can you book a call through to Kiev? Примите заказ на телефонный разговор с Киевом.

I want to put a call through to Kiev. Я хочу позвонить в Киев.

Kiev is on the wire. Вас вызывает Киев.

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