

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция



Rich is Ukraine in talented people, men of genius, de­voted heart and soul to their native land. Scientists and inventors, engineers and architects, singers and composers, writers and poets did their best to raise national science, culture, art to the highest world standards. They did it in and out of this country, in ma­ny parts of the whole wide world.

The sons and daughters of this blessed land made an end­less row of contributions to other people's civilizations, stimulating their growth, enriching their spiritual world, raising their life standards and well-being. The Ukrainian people's cultural and economic ties with other nations went down in history for many centuries.

Yuri Kotermak — named Drohobych after his native land, — a well-known astronomer, philosopher and medicus, Rector of Bologna University in the 15th century, was one of the first to pave the way into world science.

Historical events, tragic, dramatic, unforeseen and unfa­vourable for the gifted people's descendants made many Ukrainians either leave their Homeland, or stay away in other countries. Absorbing other nations' culture and science, language and mode of life, Ukraine's intellectuals spared no effort to advance the peoples who sheltered them, gave them a chance to display their best natural qualities, let them contribute to the realm of knowledge and wisdom. America and Canada, Great Britain and Australia, Germany and France, Italy, as well as many other countries of East and West benefited and continue to benefit from Ukraine's descendants, from their strength of mind and intellect. Within their native land and outside its borders Ukrainian men of genius have been restlessly making contributions to world science.


To mention but a few we shall remember the names of Stepan Tymoshenko in the USA whose works Strength of Materials and The History of the Strength of Materials have be­come textbooks for the generations of students, Ivan Puluy in Austro-Hungary and Czechoslovakia whose inventions preceded those of Wilhelm Roentgen, as well as many others.

There were such Ukrainians in our land whose discoveries paved the way into outer space, whose inventions promoted the further steps in space exploration: — a hero of the 1812 War General Olexandr Zassyadko, a freedom fighter, member of Narodna Volya (People's Will) Mykola Kybalchych, Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky whose ancestor was Severyn Nalyvaiko.

Quite a special place belongs to the man of dramatic fate Yuri Kondratyuk (Olexandr Shargey) whose scientific exploit was duly appreciated by Academician Boris Rauschenbach. A man of tragic circumstances himself Rauschenbach wrote that it was Kondratyuk who suggested the idea of creating a base round the Moon and not on the Earth, to ensure the rocket starts for the Moon. Kondratyuk's idea was later realized in the Appollo flight programme many years after the author had been killed in action at the front.

Among other brilliant scientists who were working in this field and who gained breath-taking results were Serhiy Korolyov, a constructor of cosmic systems, Academician Arkhyp Lyulka, a turbojet engines constructor and others.

Very near cosmic research stands another flying branch of scientific investigation — aviation and its affiliated domain hydronavigation. Most famous names here are Fedir Tereshchenko who constructed a monoplane with parameters far surpassing the existing models (as far back as 1913) and Dmytro Hryhorovych, a graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, who constructed a seaplane (airplane rising from and alighting on water) for the first time in aeriel navigation. One might go on and on describing contributions made by Ukrainian scientists.

The above mentioned names are only a few stars in the constellation of genius representing Ukrainian science in the world.


Answer the following questions.

1. In what talents is Ukraine rich?

2. Where did men of different talents do their best to raise national culture and science?

3. What contributions did sons and daughters of Ukraine’s land make?

4. Are there many countries where Ukraine’s descendants displayed their strength of mind and intellect?

5. What are the most outstanding Ukrainian names in world science and arts?

6. What is the fate of Yuri Kondratyuk?

7. What gigantic airplanes were brought into being in Ukraine?

8. What is the task of Ukrainian science at present?



1.  Translate the following words and word combinations. Make up 10 sentences with these words.

Freedom fighter, long-forgotten type, breath-taking result, world standards, space exploration, scientific exploit, aerial navigation, science language, life mode, flight programme, engines constructor, world investigation, plane constructors.


2.  Determine which of the following words and word combinations are terms, translate them.

Native land, scientific exploit, rocket, historical event, inventor, composer, strength of materials, discovery, space exploration, aviation, hydronavigation, human knowledge, dirigible, monoplane.


3.  Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. The son and daughters of Ukraine made contribution to…

2. Many Ukrainians had to leave their Home-land due to….

3. There were such Ukrainians whose inventions promoted….

4. Yuri Koternak, named Drohobych was….

5. Ukraine’s descendants benefited from such countries as… .

6. It was in Ukraine that such gigantic airplanes were brought into… .

7. Ukrainian talented people did their best to… .


4.   Match the following English words and word combinations with the Ukrainian ones:


1. to go down in history for many centuries a) серед інших відомих особистостей
2. to mention but a few b) гідні подиву результати
3. to make restlessly contributions to c) за таких трагічних обставин
4. to do one’s best d) забезпечити старти ракети на місяць
5. among other illustrious personalities e) увійти в історію на багато століть
6. to pave the way into space f) прокласти шлях у космос
7. breath-taking results g) щоб згадати лише небагатьох
8. to ensure the rocket starts for the Moon h) робити все можливе
9. under these tragic circumstances i) невтомно вносити внесок

5.   Transform the following sentences from the Active voice into Passive and translate them

1. The son and daughters of this blessed land made an endless row of contributions to other people’s civilizations.

2. The latest issue of this journal has referred to Vernadsky’s efforts to foresee the future of mankind and its ways of progress.

3. Today many countries are building airships with practically unlimited weight-lifting ability.

4. Different inventions of Ukrainian scientists promoted the further steps in space exploration.

5. The computer can perform this operation by taking the first operation from memory and executing the operation called for.

6. Microcomputers involved in manufacturing will change many aspects of our daily lives.

7. Science now is radically changing the whole of technology and organization of production.


6.    Find in the text sentences with emphatic it-constructions, translate them.

7.    Find the one underlined word that must be changed to make the sentence grammatically correct.

1. It is reporting that the seminar on electronics will be held on Monday.

2. It are said that the progress in this field of science was not the product of revolutionary discoveries but rather cumulative effort of innumerable small steps taken by increasing numbers of researches.

3. It is showed that most inventions made in space explorations were due to K. Tsiolkovsky, Y.Kondratyuk, I. Korolyov and others.

4. It was expected that application of fire-resistant coating will increase the stability of sample during vibrations.

5. It proves that the study of this metal will be vary by the application of an external magnetic field

8.    Translate the following Ukrainian sentences into English using emphatic it-construction

1. Саме інженери цього заводу вказали на те, що здатність електронного мікроскопа створювати зображення не залежить від хвильових властивостей електронів.

2. Саме передаюча телевізійна трубка дає можливість підводним човнам плавати під льодом в полярній області.

3. Саме Д. Григорович, випускник КПІ, створив гідролітак, який злітає та сідає на воду, вперше у повітряній навігації.

4. Саме досягнення в науці і техніці за останні сто років видозмінили наші будинки, засоби зв’язку та навіть розваги.

5. Саме електронний підсилювач став основним пристроєм в таких областях науки та техніки, як електроніка та радіоелектроніка.

9.    Read the text carefully, find the sentences with Participles I in different functions and translate them.

10.    Open the brackets and put the correct form of Participle I

1. When ….. (to seek) an explanation, we sometimes find more than one explanation.

2. ….. (to appoint) the head of the laboratory he went on his researches on the behavior of the particles (to influence) by the magnetic field.

3. For reproduction ….. (to fluctuate) voltages induced in a coil wounded on the magnet.

4. He was ….. (to work) at his scientific paper when I rang him up.

5. The substances to be separated have similar chemical and physical properties, ….. (to include) the manner in which they partition between two phases.

11.    Read and translate the sentences with Participle II, define the function of Participle II.

1. The system used in this scrambling is the secret of the code.

2. Telegraph companies are known to use special codes for transmitting commercials massages.

3. Information and data processing is a special activity, performed by the administrative organization for the business as a whole.

4. On-line operating data are automatically recorded.

5. When obtained data are used in the control and monitoring of space vehicles.

12.    Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction. To translate this construction use the words «після того, як», «оскільки», «якщо», «коли», «причому», «і» according to the context.

1. An outstanding characteristic of modern society is the powerful flow of knowledge and information, information being often called the lifeblood of modern civilization.

2. Computers finding a wide application, a lot of new jobs have appeared.

3. Scientists and inventors do their best to raise national science to the world standards, different discoveries having appeared in our life.

4. Electronics having a lot of advantages due to its microscope size, high speed, low cost and reliability, radio-electronic systems ensure reliable communication with space-ships and space stations.

5. Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best in this respect.

6. Many men preceded Newton in the field of mechanics, perhaps the most outstanding being Halileo.

7. Many technical and scientific problems having been solved, the first space flight could be realized.


13.     Replace the clauses with the Absolute Participial Construction:

1. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily.

2. As soon as I have carried out all researches, I will be able to publish the results.

3. As there was a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn’t leave the port.

4. As electrons move through a wire, electrical energy is generated.

5. As the plant was supplied with good raw materials, the quality of products has been much improved.

6. Probably the first metals used by man were gold, silver and copper as these metals were found in nature in the native or metallic state.

7. As electron leaves the surface, the metal becomes positively charged.

8. As sciences in the modern world are deeply interconnected and interrelated, we have biochemistry, radiobiology, radioelectronics, optoelectronics, etc.


14.    Translate into English the text, given below; be ready to speak on:

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