

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Additional requirements to movement of bicycles, bikes, cartages and cattle route.

1. Persons not younger than 14 years are allowed to drive bicycle, carts (sledges), be a packer while moving along theroads. Persons not younger than 14 years are allowed to drive a bike.


According to the decision of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation subjectsage requirement can be reduced but not for more than 2 years. Drivers of bicycles, bikes and carts (sledges) must have a document proving his/her knowledge of Rules and General principles and their transport meansmust have a special registration sign. .              

2. Bicycles, bikes, carts (sledges), pack animals must move only along the outer right strip in one row. It is allowed to move along the edge if it doesn't disturb pedestrians.                                    

 Columns of bicyclists, carts (sledges), pack animals moving along the traffic way must be divided into groups of 10 bicyclists, pack animals and of 5 carts (sledges). To make overrunning easier the distance among groups must be 80-100 m.

3. It is prohibited for drivers of bicycles and bikes to:

• Drive without holding wheel at least by one hand;

• Transport passengers, except a child of age under 7 years on an additional sit, equipped by safe footboards;                                                      

• Transport cargo exceeding limits in length and width more than for 0.5 m and cargo disturbing to drive;

• Move along the road if the bicycle path is near;

• Turn to the left and turn round on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one strip for moving in this direction.                    

4. Drivers of bicycles and bikes must make way for transport means moving along this road at unregulated cross of bicycle path with road.

Driver of carts' (sledges) when reaching the road from the adjacent territory or subsidiary road in places of limited visibility must lead the animal in bridles.

5. Cattle should be driven along the road in day time. Packers must direct cattle as near to the right edge as possible.                 

6. While driving cattle across railway tracks pack must be divided into groups of such a quantity taking into account the number of packers in order toprovide safe driving of each group.                      

7. It is prohibited for drivers of cartages (sledges) and packers to:

• Leave cattle on the road without supervision;

• Drive cattle across railway tracks and roads outside specially allotted territory and at night and in conditions of bad visibility (except cattle route at different levels);

• Lead cattle along the road with asphalt and cement concrete pavement if there are other routes.


3. Find in the text the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


 Subsidiary road, to turn round, to lead animals in bridles, to make overrunning, cattle driver, executive authorities, age requirement, to disturb pedestrians, in one row, edge, traffic way, to make way, strip, exceed limits in length and width, railway tracks, 


4. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


Держать руль одной рукой, погонщик, запрещено; дополнительное место, специальными подножками; груз, мешающий движению; разворачиваться; дороги, имеющие более одной полосы в одном направлении; на нерегулируемом пересечении велосипедной дорожки с дорогой; прилегающая территория, в местах ограниченной видимости, вести животных под уздцы, асфальтное и бетонное покрытие, возрастной ценз.


5. Write down your own sentences using words and word combinations from exercise IV.


6. Answer the following questions.

1. What is prohibited for drivers of carts (sledge) and cattle driver? 2. What is prohibited for drivers of bicycles and bikes? 3. Where is it allowed to move bicycles, bikes and carts (sledges)? 4. Do you have the document providing knowledge of Rules and General principles? 5. How must columns of bicycles, bikes, carts, sledges and cattle drivers be separated? 6. What is the size of the minimum fine, according to the new Rules? 7. What age requirement is allowed for driving bicycles, carts and bikes? 8. What distance must be between the groups of bicycles? 9. How must animals be led in places of limited visibility? 10.How must cattle be driven across the railway tracks?


7. Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.


1. Drivers of bicycles and bikes mustn’t make way for transport means.

2. It is allowed to drive bicycles and bikes holding wheel by one hand.

3.  It is allowed to leave cattle at road without supervision.

4.  Cattle should be driven along the road in day time.

5.  Movement bicycles and bikes along the edge disturbs pedestrians.

6. Yellow signal is considered as restrictive signal of traffic light.

7. Drivers must stop behind the stop line.

8.  Requirement to stop transport means is given with the help of loud-speaker or by arm motion.

9. Bicycles, bikes, carts (sledges), pack animals must move only along the outer right strip in one row.


8. Define the main idea of the text:

: Pedestrians always have the right of way

: Restrictive signals of traffic light and restrictive motions of regulator must be understandable for drivers and pedestrians

: It’s safely to stop in an unknown area to ask help

: Restrictive motion of regulator is expressed in raising arm upward.


Translate the following sentences using the words from the vocabulary list.

1. Не мешайте водителю! 2. Велосипедам, мопедам и повозкам разрешается движение по обочине, если это не создает помех пешеходам. 3. Почему было трудно обогнать их? 4. Водителям велосипедов и мопедов запрещается вести транспортное средство, держась за руль одной рукой. 5. У водителя не оказалось документа, подтверждающего знание правил и основных положений. 6. Почему водитель мопеда двигался не по велосипедной дорожке? 7. Инспектор ДПС не увидел специального регистрационного знака, поэтому остановил транспортное средство. 8. В местах с ограниченной обзорностью водитель повозки должен вести животное под уздцы. 9. Нельзя разворачиваться на дороге со сплошной полосой. 10. Животных следует перегонять в светлое время суток.  


Insert the appropriate words from the column given below.

a)   signal of traffic light
b) car  
c) stolen  
  transport means
d)   food

With the defects, signs, nursing, pedestrians, to reveal, motorbike, motion of regulator, used in criminal purposes, expenses, helicopter, to search.




1. Тормозимедленно!

2. Не обгоняйте их!

3. Плавно отпустите сцепление.

4. Кажется, это совсем легко.

5. Включите зажигание.

6. Не тормози так резко.

7. Вот рычаг переключения передач!

8. Машина позади собирается нас обогнать.

9. Не давите на педаль газа так резко!

10. Держитесьлевее.


Have a fun


After the Accident

“…Yes, and my mother-in-law under the wheels of the ruined car…” 

“What a misfortune! Was she old?”  

“No, I bought it only two months ago.”


“Would you be so kind as to move your lorry a little?”






 The actions of traffic Patrol Service worker in the road traffic accidents.


1.Vocabulary to be remembered:

Agency of internal affairs органывнутреннихдел
Standby unit of combat subdivisions дежурнаячастьстроевогоподразделения
Patrolling course маршрутпатрулирования
Declarant заявитель
Circumstances of accident обстоятельствапроисшествия
Investigativetaskforce следственно-оперативная группа
Severityconditions степень тяжести
Removedrivinglicense изымать водительское удостоверение
Materialevidence вещественное доказательство
Traces следы
Prosecutor прокурор
Employeemakinginquiry сотрудник, осуществляющий дознание
Trafficby-pass движение транспортa в объезд
Tofillout оформлять
Exemption освобождение от налогов
Leakage утечка
Forcedstop вынужденная остановка
Shut off traffic at the road перекрытьдвижениенаулице
Strangers посторонние люди
Record протокол
Accident ДТП


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