

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция


Система открытого образования



Практическая грамматика

Английского языка

Для среднего и продвинутого

Уровней обучения

Часть II


Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей

высших учебных заведений


2-е издание, исправленное





УДК 802.0-5(075.8)

ББК 81.2



Серия основана в 2001 году


Рекомендовано к изданию Комиссией по приемке и аттестации электронных версий учебных и учебно-методических материалов Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь.



доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры грамматики английского языка Минского государственного лингвистического университета Д.Г.Богушевич;

заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков Института государственной службы Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, кандидат филологических наук, доцент А.Г.Храмченков.


Авторы: Володько, С.М. (раздел 6), Лещева, Л.М. (раздел 1), Кипкаева, В.С. (разделы 3 и 5), Красовская, Е.В. (разделы 2 и 4) , Алексеева, Н.Г. (раздел 7) П-69 Практическая грамматика английского языка (для среднего и продвинутого уровней обучения): учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей высших учебных заведений / На англ. яз.= English Grammar Review; под общ. ред. д.филол.н., профессора Л.М.Лещевой. Часть II. – 2-е изд., испр. – Мн.: Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь, 2005. – 391с. ISBN 985-457-473-3   Учебное пособие является второй частью "Практической грамматики английского языка", состоит из 7 разделов и посвящено английскому глаголу. В разделе 1 представлена общая информация о глаголе; в разделах 2-5 рассматриваются времена групп Indefinite, Perfect, Continuous и Perfect Continuous; раздел 6 носит обзорный характер, и времена в нем рассматриваются в сравнительно-сопоставительном плане; в разделе 7 анализируется система английского залога. Каждый раздел включает вводный и заключительные тесты и содержит описание формообразования времен и залогов, их значения и употребления, а также тренировочные и обзорные упражнения. Предназначается студентам гуманитарных специальностей неязыковых вузов, а также всем, кого интересует грамматический строй и функционирование английского языка. УДК 802.0 (07.5.8) ББК 81.2




ISBN 985-457-473-3(ч.II) © Володька С.М., Лещева Л.М., Кипкаева В.С., и др., 2003
ISBN 985-457-471-7 © Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, 2003



Chapter 7              V E R B S



Unit 1              GENERAL INFORMATION





§ 1

Identify the verbs as simple (S), derived (D) or composite (C) as in the model. Start with the second verb.

Model: 1) work – S (simple)

1) work 2) stand up 3) milk 4) reread 5) give in 6) stay up 7) disagree

8) overcook 9) uncover 10) compute  


Identify the verbs as derived by prefixation (P), suffixation (S) or by conversion (C). Start with the second verb.

Model: 1) lengthen – S (by suffix -en)

1) lengthen 2) water 3) dust 4) falsify 5) undercook 6) unload  

7) misunderstand 8) enrich 9) patronize 10) fish  


3. Say which of the following words are verbs or may be used as verbs:

1) feed 2) loss 3) blood 4) short 5) strike 6) sing 7) economize 8) law 9) belief 10) advise 11) arrival 12) slowly 13) strength 14) blacken  

15) election 16) bite 17) ride 18) fill 19) live 20) pay  


4. Derive new verbs from the following verbs, nouns and adjectives by means of the prefixes: re-, mis-, be-, un-, de-, dis-, over-, en-. Use each prefix only once.

1) pronounce 2) arrange 3) cover 4) little 5) value 6) feed 7) connect 8) rich


Translate using phrasal verbs.

1) Она примирилась с потерей.

2) Не сдавайся! Попытайся снова!

3) Он бросил курить год назад.

4) Их семья распалась.

5) Когда началась война?

6) Берегись! (Осторожно!)

7) Говорите громче, пожалуйста.

8) Давайте прервемся и попьем чая.

9) Я присмотрю за вашим ребенком.

10) Что вы ищете?


§ 2

Identify the verbs in the following sentences as auxiliary (A) or main (M) as in the model. Start with the second sentence.

Model: 1) did – A (auxiliary), like – M (main)

1) Did you like the film?

2) The milk is sour.

3) You must wait.

4) His face turned pale.

5) He knows English well.

6) He turned round the corner.

7) I am leaving now.

8) The boy looks strong.

9) Will you come?

10) He hasn't helped me.


Identify transitive (T) and intransitive verbs (I) in the following sentences as in the model. Start with the second sentence.

Model: 1) took – T (transitive)

1) They took a taxi.

2) She sells books.

3) The sun has just risen.

4) He is studying for a law degree.

5) The books sell well.

6) He studied law at University.

7) Did you stay at a hotel?

8) He stopped the car.

9) He stopped to buy a newspaper.

10) She rose from the chair.


§ 3

Identify the tense form of the verbs in the following sentences as in the model. Start with the second sentence.

Model: 1)left– Past Ind., had talked – Past Perf.

1) He left after he had talked to the manager.

2) She drinks tea in the morning.

3) The children were sleeping when he came home.

4) If you are tired I'll bring you some coffee.

5) Tomorrow at this time we'll be flying to Italy.

6) Will you have translated the text by 6 o'clock?

7) I have been waiting for you since morning.

8) When will you return?

9) By tomorrow morning he will have been writing the report for 3 months.

10) Have you had dinner?


Choose the verb form you would use to translate the following sentences.

1) Они встречаются два раза в год.

A) have met C) are
B) met D) meet

2) В прошлом году моя сестра поступила в университет.

A) entered C) was entering
B) had entered D) has entered

3) Через год он закончит школу.

A) will have finished C) has finished
B) will have been finishing D) will finish

4) Они уезжают в субботу.

A)are leaving C) left
B) leave D) have left

5) Она всегда смеется над ним.

A) laughs C) has been laughing
B) is laughing D) will laugh

6) Он уже ушел домой, когда мы пришли.

A)went C) had gone
B) has gone D) had been going

7) Завтра в это время я буду сдавать экзамен по английскому языку.

A) will take C) will have taken
B) will be taking D) will have been taking

8) К началу сентября они переедут в новый дом.

A) will have moved C) will move
B) will be moving D) are moving

9) Когда я позвонил, они обедали.

A) had C) had had
B) were having D) would have

10) К лету будет уже 10 лет, как они живут здесь.

A) will live C) will have been living
B) will be living D) have lived

11) Он был уверен, что встречал ее ранее.

A) had met C) had been meeting
B) met D) was meeting

12) Я уйду, если ты не вернешься в 7.

A) won't come C) will not have come
B) don't come D) aren't coming

Total: 100/____



I. General meaning

Verbs are words that express a physical or mental action (This machine cleans carpets. She hopesfor the best) or a state of being (She is a student).

Without a verb, it is usually impossible to make a sentence in English. On the other hand, a sentence can be made of only one word if it is a verb: Read!

II. Verb creation


Verbs can be simple(read, run), derived(endanger, intensify) orcomposite(sit down, give up).


1. Simple verbs (get, go, come, take, give, etc.) make up the core of the English verbal system: most of them are native and most frequently used words.

Some of these verbs are differentiated from their historically related nouns or adjectives by means of a sound alteration in the root. The change may affect the root vowel (food n– feed v), root consonant (speech n– speak v), or both (life n– live v).

   There are many verbs in Modern English that were borrowed from Latin and French together with their verb-building suffixes (e.g. -ate/ -ute) as dictate, pollute. Now these verbs are simple because their roots do not have homonymous free words with the same meaning in Modern English (*dict, *poll).

Some simple dissyllabic verbs borrowed from French retain the stress on the second syllable while their homographic nouns, which have become more assimilated in English, are already forestressed: to re´cord (v) – a ´record (n), to pre´sent (v) – a ´present (n) (See Ch.1, Unit 1).

2. Derivedverbs make up the majority of the English verbal system.

Derivation of verbs is mostly done by means of prefixesattached to:

a) verbal bases:

   re- (‘to repeat an action’):toreread,to reconsider;

under- (‘to do too little’):tounderestimate, to undercook;

over-(‘to do too much’):to overestimate,to overcook;

un- (‘to act contrary to that of the simple stem’): to unload, to uncover;

dis- (‘to negate the action’): to disconnect, to disagree;

de- (‘to do the opposite’, ‘to undo the action’) – used in many neologisms:to demobilize, to devalue, to deactivate;

mis- (‘to act wrongly, badly’): to misunderstand, to miscalculate;

b) adjectival bases:

   en- (‘to bring into a certain condition or a state’): to enrich, to enable

c) nominal or adjectival bases:

   be- (‘to make a thing or quality’): to befriend, tobelittle.

Derivationof verbs by suffixes is less common in English. The most common verbal suffixes are usually added to:

a) adjectival bases:

-fy/-ify: to falsify, to purify;

-en: to widen, to shorten;

b) nominal bases:

-ize, -ise: to cryslalize, to patronise;

Some verbs are derived by conversion– an affixless way of word formation. Such verbs look simple and usually denote ‘an action highly characteristic of the object’ (to monkey, to fool), ‘an action with the object’ (to knife, to water), ‘an acquisition or deprivation of the object’ (to milk, to dust, to fish) or ‘an action leading to a certain state or quality’ (to empty, to dirty, to clean).


3. Complex verbs (give up, outgrow) are viewed as phrasal or composite verbs.

A phrasal verb is a multi-word verb consisting of a verb followed by one or more particles and having a meaning larger than the meaning of each of its constituent (drink up 'выпить до дна', put up with 'примириться').

Some phrasal verbs are used in sentences without a direct object: You have to stay up late tonight.

Some phrasal verbs may be followed by a noun or pronoun: He looked afterthe baby. He looked after him.

Some verbs in phrasal constructions may be followed by a noun or pronoun and then by a particle: He answeredJohn back. He answeredhim back.

The number of phrasal verbs in English has remarkably grown in the last century. They constitute one of the most distinctive features of English grammar. There are thousands of them now and they require a lot of memory work on the part of a learner. (Some of them are presented in Unit 7, § 8 in this book.)

As for compound verbs,the situation is rather complicated.

Some verbs as outgrow, overflow, snowball, or housekeep are often called compound. But many other scholars deny word compounding in verbs and view such verbs either derivatives either by means of prefixation (outgrow, overflow), conversion (to snowball (v) from asnowball (n)) or back-formation (housekeep (v) from housekeeper(n)).


E x e r c i s e s

1.1. Read and translate into Russian the following pairs of words. Observe the vowel interchange in nouns and verbs.

Fill (v) – full (adj); feed (v) – food (n); strike (v) – stroke (n); ride (v) – rode (n); knit (v) – knot (n); bleed (v) – blood (n); bit (v) – bite (n); sing (v) – song (n); tell (v) – tale (n).


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