

АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Утверждено на заседании кафедры Философии. Протокол №___ от _.

Федеральное Агентство по Образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Московский Государственный Открытый Университет»


программа, методические указания

 и контрольные задания

(для студентов 1 и 2 курсов заочного отделения экономических специальностей)


Александров 2009

Коротких, Е.А.

Английский язык. Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания. Пособие по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей.



       Пособие содержит 4 контрольных задания для проведения промежуточного и итогового контроля усвоения грамматического минимума и лексики тематической направленности, предусмотренной рабочими программами.



Цель программы


       Основной целью обучения студентов экономических специальностей английскому языку является достижение ими практического владения этим языком, что предполагает при заочном обучении формирование умения самостоятельно читать и переводить литературу по специальности, вести поиск нужной информации и уметь обобщать полученную информацию. Пособие построено на аутентичных текстах, заимствованных из английских и американских источников.


Структура курса


       В соответствии с действующими учебными планами на полный курс обучения английскому языку для заочных отделений вузов неязыковых специальностей отводится 44 часов аудиторных занятий, 188 часов самостоятельной работы и консультаций из расчета один час на каждого студента. За курс обучения студент выполняет 4 контрольных работы, сдает зачет и экзамен.

Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ

  1. Каждое контрольное задание в данном пособии представлено в 5 вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из 5 вариантов в соответствии с последней цифрой студенческого шифра: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 или 2, выполняет вариант №1, на 3 или 4 - №2, на 5 или 6 - №3, на 7 или 8 - №4, на 9 или 0 - №5.
  2. Все контрольные задания следует выполнять в отдельной тетради. На титульном листе укажите факультет, курс, шифр, фамилию, имя и отчество, номер контрольного задания и вариант.
  3. Контрольные задание следует выполнять четким почерком, с соблюдением полей, оставленных для замечаний, комментирования и методических указаний преподавателя.
  4. Строго соблюдайте последовательность выполнения заданий. Контрольная работа, выполненная не полностью или не отвечающая предъявленным к ней вышеперечисленным требованиям, возвращается без проверки и не засчитывается.
  5. Выполненные контрольные работы направляются для проверки и рецензирования в институт в установленные сроки.
  6. При получении проверенной контрольной работы ознакомьтесь с замечаниями рецензента и проанализируйте отмеченные в работе ошибки.

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольные задания, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:



Имя существительное (образование множественного числа; система выражения падежных отношений; имя существительное в функции определения).

Имя прилагательное (степени сравнения, усиление степеней сравнения).

Имя числительное (образование количественных и порядковых числительных).


Глагол (формы настоящего, прошлого и будущего времен в действительном и страдательном залогах изъявительного наклонения; повелительное и сослагательное наклонения). Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив (его формы и функции в предложении).

Герундий (формы и функции в предложении; сравнение герундия с отглагольным существительным).

Причастие (причастие I и причастие II, их формы и функции в предложении).



Виды придаточных предложений, бессоюзное предложение.

Согласование времен.

Условные предложения.

Субъектный и объектный инфинитивные обороты.

Зависимые и независимые причастные обороты. Многозначность строевых слов.

Функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.

Функции слов it, that, one.

Функции слов should, would.


Словообразование (пути пополнения словарного состава).

Работа над текстом (анализ и перевод как средства понимания текста).


Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму глагола и залог.

1) After budgets have been prepared for all departments in an enterprise, they are all added together in what is called a budget summary.

2) The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction.

3) The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a legal agreement entered into by the co-owners.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастий.

1) Plans may be long-term or short-term, depending upon the time period they are designed to cover.

2) A company exporting sales abroad faces many problems.

3) The article published in the last issue of “Financial Times” pays particular attention to the measures aimed at further increasing the interest rates.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.

1) “Industry experience is not essential, but a desire to succeed is.”

2) If you want to start a business, you are to know some definite information about it.

3) An individual proprietor by law, pays fewer taxes and at a lower rate than a corporation does.

4. Переведите текст.

The WTO.

The WTO has nearly 150 members and 30 others are negotiating membership. Decisions are made by entire membership. This is typically by consensus. A majority vote is also possible but it has never been used in the WTO.

The WTO’s top level decision-making body is the Ministerial Conference which meets at least once every two years. Below this is the General Council which meets several times a year in Geneva headquarters. At the next level there’s the Goods Council, Services Council and Intellectual Property Council.

The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has around 550 staff and is headed by a director-general. The Secretariat doesn’t have the decision-making role and its main duties are to organize work with all countries, to analyze world trade and to explain WTO affairs to the public and media.

The WTO’s main objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictably. The WTO’s rules are the results of negotiations between members. Now the WTO’s principal rule-book for trade in goods is the book of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ). It all began with trade in goods and first, GATT was the forum for negotiating lower customs duty rates and other trade barriers. Since 1995, the updated GATT has become the WTO’s umbrella agreement for trade in goods. So through these rules, WTO members operate a non-discriminatory trading system. Each country receives guarantees that its exports will be treated fairly and consistently in other countries’ markets. Each promises to do the same for imports into its own market. That means that different services such as banks, insurance firms, tour operators, hotel chains and transport companies looking to do business abroad can enjoy the same principles of freer and fairer trade.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.


Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 2

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму глагола и залог.

1) Interest is charged on the full amount of the loan whether it is taken out of the bank or not.

2) As regards the Letter of Credit it will be opened next week.

3) The experts found that the model of machine-tool which Russia had been producing for the last few years was among the best on the world market.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции причастий.

1) The budget summary is the most widely used device for overall control.

2) Conducting the transaction we knew that it would lead to further business.

3) The equipment will be sent on consignment for an agreed time limit and the cost of every item will be remitted when sold.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции глаголов to be, to do, to have.

1) When a company starts to sell goods in a new market, they often do some market research to see if the project is feasible.

2) Most consumers don’t have enough income to buy everything they want.

3) An area where there is a demand for certain goods is called a market.

4. Переведите текст на русский язык.

European Union.

The idea to create institutions leading to ‘an ever-closer union among peoples of Europe’ appeared after the Second World War. Its goal was then, as it is now, to ensure peace and prosperity in the world.

There were two separate but related motives for creation such an organization, political and economic. The political motive was rooted in the belief that only through a supranational organization could the threat of war between European countries be eradicated. The economic motive rested on the argument that larger markets would promote greater industrialization, increased competition and thus lead to higher productivity and standard of living.

European integration has developed in several stages and in various forms. A number of different organizations were established in order to realize this goal.

In 1948 the Congress of Europe bringing together at the Hague nearly one thousand influential Europeans from 26 countries called for the creation of a united Europe. The congress resulted in the birth in 1949 of the Council of Europe whose aim was encourage political cooperation between the countries of Europe.

In 1952 the European Coal and Steel Community was established, when France proposed the integration of the French and German coal and steel industries and invited other nations to participate. Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands immediately signed the treaty. The United Kingdom, with nationalized coal and steel industries at the time, did not join.

In 1957 the participants in the Coal and Steel Community signed two more treaties in Rome, creating the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), for the development of peaceful uses of atomic energy and, most important, the European Economic Community (EEC), or Common Market. The EEC came into operation on the 1st of January, 1958.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.


Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 3

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму глагола и залог.

1) There are budgets of time, space, and materials, but most budgets are expressed in financial terms.

2) The old multimillionaire families who made their fortune at the dawn of monopoly capitalism have been preserved in the main and many of them have greatly increased both their wealth and their influence.

3) I believe the machine-tool advertised by the firm will be in great demand on the market.

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции причастий.

1) The recording and presentation of financial information is the responsibility of the accounting division headed by the finance manager.

2) I heard they have agreed upon all the main problems and they are looking forward to a new contract to be concluded with us.

3) The questions raised in your letter are likely to be discussed during the private meeting.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глаголов to be, to do, to have.

1) The Trade Fair is an exhibition of goods, and a company exhibits a sample of its product at its stand.

2) To better understand why consumers buy as they do, many marketers turn to behavioral sciences for help.

3) The corporation form of business has several advantages over the sole proprietorship and partnership.

3. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Marketing and Promotion.

  When a company starts to sell goods in a new market, they often do some market research to see if the project is feasible. They research (investigate) the market potential to see if they will make money by selling in the new market. One way to assess the market potential is to take a stand to a Trade Fair where companies can exhibit samples of their products and see what response they get from prospective customers. The Trade Fair is an exhibition of goods, and a company exhibits a sample of its product at its stand. This is also a form of advertising and the company representative will probably hand out brochures to promote the product further. Often journalists write about the Trade Fair and sometimes companies hold a press conference if they want to promote a particular model or range. (Each different type of a car, a bike etc. is a model. All the different models made by a company make up its range. The full range of goods is normally displayed in the company’s catalogue. The catalogue is a booklet or a brochure).

  Another way of promoting a new product is to place advertisements in magazines or newspapers. Advertisements are also called adverts or ads for short. A plan to do a lot of advertising of one product is called a campaign. Starting an advertising campaign on a new market is known as launching the product.

  The aim of publicity is to interest customers, clients in the product. Initially buyers might make inquiries about the product. When they decide to buy, they place an order. At a Trade Fair companies are trying to obtain as many orders as possible. However, before a client places an order he wants to know many things: how long delivery takes, whether the company can supply spare parts, what the after sales service is like. (All the individual parts in a model are called components. If one of the components breaks the customer will want a spare part. If the product is complicated, skilled workers might be needed to fit spare parts or to service or maintain the machinery. Any maintenance the company does after it has sold the product is called after sales service).

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Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 4

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите видовременную форму глагола и залог сказуемых.

1) Efficiency is the aim of all management, both public and private.

2) An attempt to cover up the differences which came to the surface last weekend will be made by both ministers in the talks expected to take place at the of next month.

3) We shall return to the price problem after we have seemed the equipment in operation.

2. Переведите предложения, определите функции причастий.

1) The advantage of an owner using his own money is that the business remains free of commitments to partners or outside lenders.

2) It’s important that the equipment supplied by our firm should answer all the requirements of the buyer.

3) We have carried out a careful inspection and test of machine-tool manufactured at your works.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции глаголов to be, to do, to have.

1) The advertisement said that the machine-tool had excellent working characteristics and was reliable in operation.

2) Two or more companies which sell or manufacture the same product are competitors.

3) How do you know of the financial position of the firms wishing to act as your agents?

4. Переведите текст.

What is accounting?

Accounting has been called «the language of business». Perhaps a better term is ‘the language of financial decisions’. The better you understand the language, the better you can manage the financial aspects of living. Personal financial planning, investments, loans, car payments, income taxes, and many other aspects of daily life are based on accounting. A recent survey indicates that business managers believe it is more important for college students to learn accounting than any other subject. Other surveys show that persons trained in accounting and finance make it to the top of their organizations in greater numbers than persons trained in any other field. Indeed, accounting is an important subject.

Accounting is the system that measures business activities, processes that information into reports and communicates these findings to decision makers. Financial statements are the documents that report on an individual’s or an organization’s business in monetary amounts. Is our business making a profit? Should we start up a new line of women’s clothing? Are sales strong enough to warrant opening a new branch outlet? The most intelligent answers to business questions like these use accounting information. Decision makers use the information to develop sound business plans. As new programs affect the business’s activities, accounting takes the company’s financial pulse beat. The cycle continues as the accounting system measures the results of activities and reports the results to decision makers.

Bookkeeping is a procedural element of accounting as arithmetic is a procedural element of mathematics. Increasingly, people are using computers to do much of detailed bookkeeping work at all levels- in households, business, and organizations of all types.

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Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 5

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите видовременную форму глаголов и залог.

1) Management has become vitally important for the success of all kinds of business and of national economics.

2) The state of the American dollar influences all the money markets of the world.

3) The company encloses a list of firms whom they have been supplying with their machines for the last few years.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастий.

1) The insurance company had to pay for the equipment damaged on board the ship.

2) You are introducing a new model to the world market, aren’t you?

3) Having regular contacts with shipping agents we can easily come to terms about delivery dates.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции глаголов to be, to do, to have.

1) There are many social problems in Sri Lanka and workers have poor living standards.

2) The firm had to give us a discount as the quality of the goods was lower than that of the samples.

3) What do the Sellers undertake to do if the goods fail to conform to the technical conditions of the contract?

4. Переведите текст.

Buying Wholesale.

It’s hard to define what a wholesale is because there are so many different wholesales doing different jobs. Some of their activities may even seem like manufacturing. As a result, some wholesales call themselves ‘manufacturer and dealer’. Some like to identify themselves with such general terms as merchant, jobbers, dealers, or distributor. And others just take the name commonly used in their trade-without really thinking about what it means.

To avoid long technical discussions on the nature of wholesaling, we’ll use the U.S. Bureau of the Census definition:

Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments which sell to retailers and other merchants, and/ or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users, but who do not sell in large amounts to final consumers.

So, wholesales are firms whose main function is providing wholesaling activities.

Note, that producers who take over wholesaling activities are not considered wholesales. However, when producers set up branch warehouse at separate locations, these establishments basically operate as wholesalers. In fact, they’re classified as wholesalers by the U.S. Census Bureau and by government agencies in many other countries.

Wholesalers may perform certain functions for both their suppliers and the wholesalers’ own customers-in short, for those above and below them in the channel. Wholesaling functions really are variations of the basic marketing functions-buying, selling, grading, storing, transporting, financing, risk taking, and gathering market information. Wholesaling functions are basic to the following discussion because decisions about what combination of functions to perform is a key part of a wholesaler’s strategy planning. Keep in mind that not all wholesalers provide all of the functions. Wholesalers perform a variety of activities that benefit their customers: regroup goods, deliver goods, grant credit to customers and etc.

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Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 1

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

1) Make sure your credit terms are known to your customer. The best way is to print them clearly on the invoice.

2) A corporation is a business organization authorized by the state to conduct business and is a separate legal entity from its owners

3) We are planning to open a showroom to demonstrate our aircraft instruments.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1) In private business, efficiency can be measured by profit, the surplus of income over expenditures.

2) Managers have to decide what to produce, how it should be produced, and for whom.

3) Market research should not only precede the introduction of new products, but should keep a regular check on what is happening to existing ones.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции герундия.

1) Finding the capital is usually the biggest problem faced by those wishing to set up a business.

2) In the circumstances it will hardly be possible to secure loading in time.

3) Responsibility for manufacturing this new product has been transferred from Japan to Arbroath.

4. Переведите текст.

The WTO.

The WTO’s intellectual property watches that the copyrights, patents, trademarks, geographical name should be protected. Sometimes countries bring disputes to the WTO if they think their rights under agreements are being infringed. In that case special independent experts are appointed and they judge according to the WTO’s rule-book. Recently, Russia’s entry into the World Trade Organization has been negotiated. Russia is demanded to raise domestic energy and gas prices. Putin sharply criticized these demands and called them ‘unacceptable conditions for Russia’. The economy of Russia is not stable, yet. One third of Russian population is below the poverty line, and if prices are high, a lot of people won’t be able to pay for electricity and gas in their houses. Indeed, gas, electricity and petrol prices are far below world level. That’s why the government plans to raise prices gradually, because sooner or later Russia must introduce world prices inside the country. Also, there’s another problem: Russian membership in the WYO must lead to the creation of companies with good corporate governance. To attract increased foreign investment, Russian domestic firms should become transparent, independent of auditors and directors, and should be run by corporate governance. But many Russian companies hide all information about work, incomes and expenses of their companies. Many employees get their salaries ‘in envelop’. So without transparency, foreign firms don’t want to come into our market, because many WTO rules are not followed in Russia.

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Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 2

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции инфинитива.

1) The customers need to be reminded, from time to time, of the existence of established products.

2) The aim of promotion is to interest customer in the product.

3) In the past raw materials from Canada were shipped to other countries to be processed.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1) If your liabilities are greater than your assets you may go bankrupt.

2) Planning has to be undertaken at all level of management.

3) Problems can arise at any point during the implementation of a plan.

3. Переведите предложения, определите функции герундия.

1) All commercial banks are involved in lending money to suitable business.

2) Unsuccessful attempts to start a business become part of the larger process of sorting out the market and making it more efficient, according to small business experts.

3) Why is it so difficult to dislodge a competitor who is already a market leader by attacking with a strategy that has similar strengths?                                        

4. Переведите текст.

European Union.

From the beginning the EEC’s main goal was to achieve a large common market. On the 1st of July, 1967 the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community joined together to form the European Communities: subsequent efforts toward even greater economic and political union of the EC’s members resulted in the Treaty on European Union, which was concluded at the Maastricht Summit of December 1991. The Maastricht Treaty gives a legal framework to the three European Communities – ECSC, Euratom and EEC, which was formally renamed and is now known simply as the European Community. The Maastricht Treaty took the process of European integration one step further. It laid down a timetable for the introduction of a single currency, the euro. It broadened the notion of citizenship for nationals of the European Union by creating several new rights, such as right of petition and right of appeal to a European Ombudsman. The European Union officially came into being on 1 November of 1993. In May 1995 the Schengen Accord came into effect, which abolished border controls on persons and goods between those EU and non-EU states which have signed it. The United Kingdom did not sign the Schengen Accord. From March 1996 to June 1997 the Intergovernmental Conference was held. After long negotiations between Member States representatives a treaty known as the Amsterdam Treaty was concluded. The new Treaty meets the following objectives: to be closer to citizens and to assert their rights, to remove obstacles to free movement while making Europe an area of security, to make the Union’s institutions more efficient. The new Treaty strengthens Community policy in the fields of social affairs, the environment and public health. The 1st May current year 10 new countries joined the European Union. This important event has extended the European Union from 15 to 25 countries. Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Cyprus hoisted the flag of EU. With regard to home affairs, the 25 Member States decided to step up their cooperation on combating terrorism, drugs and crime. With regard to foreign affairs, they want to give more force to their common foreign and security policy. For administrative purposes the EU comprises six bodies, each with specific functions and responsibilities. The main institution of the European Union, which plays the very important part in its work, is the European Council. It held at least once every six months. However, the day-to-day running of the Union’s tasks is carried out by five Community institutions: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, (sometimes known as the Council of Ministers), the European Commission, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors. There also exist, at Community level, an Economic and Social Committee and a Committee of the Regions, which give advisory opinions.

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Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 3

1.Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции инфинитива.

1) To show trends clearly, statistical data are usually arranged over a period long enough to eliminate accidental variations.

2) The small business can give an individual a chance to gain experience, which the person may use later on a large scale.

3) Before a corporation may do business it must apply for and receive a charter from the state.

2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1) For a private business, profit and loss control may be the best single standard for measuring performance.

2) Marketing managers should always be in close touch with market conditions so that they can advise on the best price (not necessarily the highest) to charge for products.

3) A marketing manager will be able to avoid head-on competition, if he finds new or better ways to satisfy customers’ needs.

3.Переведите предложения, определите функции герундия.

1) We shan’t start negotiating with a newly set-up company without finding out if it is a reliable one.

2) We believe the firm will find a way of revising their price.

3) Why did you introduce a number of changes into the design of the machine-tool without letting us know about it?

4. Переведите текст.

The Sole Proprietor.

Many businesses are sole proprietorships, firms owned and operated by a single person. When a person decides to open an independent business, that person is then entirely responsible for its success or failure. Any profits go to the owner; any losses are his or her responsibility as well. If the losses prove to be greater than the investment, the individual is responsible for paying them, even if this depletes his personal assets.

One of the advantages of a sole proprietorship is that an owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others. And an individual proprietor by law, pays fewer taxes and ay a lower rate than a corporation does.

There are disadvantages of this form of business organization, however. A sole proprietorship ends with the incapacity or death of the owner. The assets can be inherited by a person who may then become an operator, but legally the business dies with its owner. Also, since it is dependent upon the amount of money the owner has saved or can borrow, usually it does not develop into a large-scale enterprise.

In spite of its limitations, the sole proprietorship is well adapted to many kinds of small businesses and suits the temperament of many persons who like to exercise initiative and be their own bosses. Some economic contributions of a small business:

A small business is often the starting point for developing a new product or service. One person tries out an idea. If it is successful, the business grows, or the product may be bought by a larger firm

The small business can give an individual a chance to gain experience, which the person may use later.

The small business can give an individual a chance to gain experience, which the person may use later on a large scale.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.


Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 4

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции инфинитива.

1) Banks usually retain the right to call an overdraft in (that is, to require repayment )without notice.

2) To be ahead of its rivals the company must be competitive.

3) When a proprietor wants to expand the business, one way to do so is to form a partnership, a business formed for profit by two or more co-owners.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1) The budget shows exactly what the organization’s objectives are and how they are to be realized.

2) Our calculations show that your total loss may not exceed 5% of the contract value.

3) We have to inform you that the quality of your goods does not conform to the samples on the basis of which the contract was concluded.

3. Переведите предложения, определите функции герундия.

1) Marketing involves knowing the best form advertisements should take, and the advertising slogan to be used.

2) Roberts and Co, Ltd. believed that their customers would be interested in purchasing the new model/

3) What’s the reason for his not dispatching the documents in time?

4. Переведите текст.


The competitive environment affects the number and types of competitors the marketing manager must face- and how they may behave. Although marketing managers usually can’t control these factors, they can choose strategies and avoid head-on competition. And, where the competition is inevitable, they can plan for it.

Economists describe four basic kinds of market situations: pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and monopoly. Understanding the differences among these market situations is helpful.

In monopolistic competition, a number of different firms offer marketing mixes that at least some customers see as different. Each competitor tries to get control in its ‘own’ target market. But competitor still exists because some customers see the various alternatives as substitutes. A subset of these firms may even compete head-on for the same customers with similar marketing mixes. With monopolistic competition, each firm has its own down-sloping demand curve. But the shape of the demand curve- and elasticity of demand- depends on how similar competitors’ products and marketing mixes are. Most marketing managers in developed economies face monopolistic competition.

In monopolistic competition, marketing managers sometimes try to differentiate very similar products by relying on other elements of the marketing mix. For example, Clorox Bleach uses the same basic chemicals as other bleaches. But marketing managers for Clorox may help to set it apart from other bleaches by offering an improved pouring spout, by producing ads that demonstrate its stain-killing power, or by getting it better shelf positions in supermarkets. Yet such approaches may not work, especially if competitors can easily imitate the new ideas. Efforts to promote real – but subtle – differences may not do any good either. If potential customers view the different offerings as essentially similar, the market will become more and more competitive – and firms will have to rely on lower costs to obtain a competitive advantage.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.


Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 5

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функции инфинитива.

1) Market researches attempt to find out in what form, shape, colour and package the public will accept the product.

2) The new hi-tech production line will enable complete modulator and tuner units to be made at the expanded electronics plant.

3) Corporation is the dominant form of American business because it makes it possible to gather large amounts of capital together.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1) All organizations, whether small or large, have to be managed.

2) Strategic plans are concerned with what objectives an organization should try to achieve.

3) Some specific duties of the board of directors are to declare dividends, authorize contracts, decide on executive salaries, and arrange major loans with banks.

3. Переведите предложения, определите функции герундия.

1) Efficiency means getting results with the least possible waste of time, effort, and money.

2) Before starting negotiations for the purchase of turbines we exchanged letters with the firm.

3) Starting an advertising campaign on a new product is known as launching the product.

4. Переведите текст.

The Business Partnership.

When a proprietor wants to expand the business, one way to do so is to form a partnership, a business formed for profit by two or more co-owners. The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a legal agreement entered into by the co-owners. Usually an agreement specifies the amount of money each is investing and the duties each partner assumes. A partnership agreement also may provide for a ‘silent partner’ who does not take part in the management, but who invests money in the business.

The partnership has the advantage of pooling managerial talent. One partner may be qualified in production, another in marketing. The partnership, like individual ownership, is exempt from most of the reporting that the government requires of corporations. Furthermore, it has a favourable tax position when compared with the corporation. Federal taxes are paid by individual partners on their share of earnings; beyond that the business is not taxed.

A major disadvantage of the partnership is that each member is liable for all the debts of the partnership; the act of any partner is legally binding upon all the others. If one partner takes a large amount of money from the business and squanders it, the others must pay the debt. Partnerships suffer another major disadvantage: decision-making is shared. If partners have serious disagreements, the business is bound to suffer.

Nevertheless, the partnership remains a vital part of the overall business economy.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.

Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 1

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) The new model having a number of advantages, the plant started producing it.

2) We compared your Machine-tools with similar ones offered by your competitor.

3) Wishing to establish business relations with your firm we hold this offer open for your acceptance until 1st April.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) They want the goods to be delivered next month.

2) The prices are likely to go up very soon and we advise you in your own interests to place an order as early as possible.

3) We didn’t expected the documents to be enclosed with the letter.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов it, that, one.

1) Taxes on business premises are higher than those on private premises.

2) The successful firm is the one that can commence production today for the needs of tomorrow.

3) It goes without saying we should strictly observe operation and maintenance instructions.

4. Переведите текст.

General Conditions of Sale.

The General Conditions of Sales are very often printed on the reverse side of the Contract and form an integral part thereof. There are some of items usually given in the General Conditions of Sale.

1. DELIVERY. The date of the Bill of Lading shall be considered the date of delivery. Prior delivery, partial shipment and transhipment shall be allowed

2. QUALITY. The quality of the goods supplied under this Contract shall conform to the world-wide standards or to the technical conditions of the Manufacturing Works, and shall be confirmed by the Quality Certificate, issued by the Manufacturing Works or by the Sellers

3. TAKING DELIVERY. The goods are to be regarded as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers: in respect of quality – in accordance with the Quality Certificate, and in respect of quantity and weight – in accordance with the Bill of Lading.

4. INSPECTION and TEST. The buyers shall be entitled to inspect and check the quality of the material used and the parts of the machinery both during manufacture and when completed. Inspection tests will be carried out, unless otherwise agreed, at the Sellers’ Works in the presence of the Buyers’ inspector and during normal working hours. The Sellers undertake to monthly notify the Buyers of the progress of the order and at least 10 days beforehand of the readiness of the manufactured goods for final inspection. If the Buyers’ inspector waives the inspection of the goods at the Sellers’ Works, he shall supply the Sellers with the certificate stating that the goods are released for shipment without inspection.

5. QUARANTEE. The Sellers quarantee that the delivered goods are in all respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions and specifications of the order, that they are free from defects in design, material and workmanship.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.


Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 2

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) Having discussed all the terms of the contract with President the firm could give us a final reply.

2) All the terms being specified, the contract has been drawn up.

3) The engines received on consignment were free from defects.

2. Переведите предложения. Помните, что инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) The firm was believed to load the goods earlier but they couldn’t secure a suitable vessel.

2) The firm expected us to change the terms of payment.

3) The developing countries are considered to improve their economy by increasing trade with other countries.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов it, that, one.

1) Specialising in the sale of mobile phones and related telecommunication equipment, we are currently listed as one of the tree fastest growing private companies in the UK.

2) The expansion means that a company will produce more goods or sell more products.

3) When a manufacturing company expands, it means that it increases its products.

4. Переведите текст.

Discussing Terms of Payment.

Brown & Co. of Holland had discussions with Sojuzimport concerning the sale of machinery during which the parties came to terms about all the points except the terms of payment. The letter below is Sojuzimport’s conclusion on the Draft Contract which Brown & Co. had sent them for approval.

9th September, 19…

Messrs.Brown & Co.

Amsterdam, Holland

Dear Sirs,

We have thoroughly studied the Draft Contract and find your conditions perfectly acceptable. However we should like to specify certain particulars of the Terms of Payment and consequently change the original wording of this clause as follows: ‘Payment under the present Contract shall be effected by the Buyers through the Holland Commercial Bank, Amsterdam, in pounds sterling to the following manner:

The whole sum is divided into three parts. Five per cent (5%) of the total Contract value is to be paid by remittance within 30 days of the date of the Contract coming into force on receipt by Vnesheconombank, Moscow, of the following documents:

1. A Letter of Quarantee of the Holland Commercial Bank for the above amount.

2. A photocopy of the valid Export License, if required.

Eighty five per cent (85%) of the total Contract value is to be paid to the Sellers within 90 days of the date of the Contract on presentation of the following documents:

1. The Sellers’ original invoice and 3 copies;

2. Railway Bills issued in the name of the Buyer;

3. Packing Lists in 4 copies;

4. The Sellers’ Certificate of Quality.

5. The remaining ten per cent (10%) which is equal to a quarantee sum is to be paid in cash within 30 days after the concerned parties have signed the Acceptance Report testifying to the fact that the equipment fully conforms to the data quaranteed by the Sellers and stipulated in the Contract. You will see that the changes we suggest are fairly slight and we feel certain that you will have no objections to them.

We are looking forward to fruitful cooperation.

            Yours faithfully, Sojuzimport.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 3

1. Переведите предложения. Помните, что причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) A business is usually divided into a number of departments, each being responsible for a specific range of work such as production, finance, personnel, marketing.

2) A company selling goods in large quantities is called a wholesaler.

3) Drawing up contract the firm undertook to obtain export license.

2. Переведите  предложения. Помните, что  инфинитивные  обороты  соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) Mr. N is expected to come to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the above mentioned Machine-tools.

2) The vice-president wants the experts to examine the goods before they are packed.

3) The Sellers are sure to eliminate all the defects found during the quarantee period.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов it, that, one.

1) Keep CV brief and simple – a badly written one will lose you the job before you get to the interview stage.

2) When a person decides to open an independent business, that person is then entirely responsible for its success or failure.

3) It is sometimes hard to do the work if there are too many people doing it.

       4.   Переведите текст.

Claims and Arbitration.

It may happen in business that certain terms and conditions of the Contract are infringed by the Sellers or by the Buyers and then the dissatisfied party makes a claim on the other party. The Buyers most frequently make claims because of late delivery, delivery of wrong or damaged goods, or goods of inferior quality. Short-shipment/delivery of the goods is another cause of the Buyers’ complaint.

The Sellers in their turn can make a claim on the Buyers

because of unreasonable amounts claimed from them and also when the Buyers fail to open a L/C in time or place a vessel under loading, etc.

After the claim has been made it is considered and is either admitted as reasonable and justified or declined as groundless. In the first case the responsible party meets the claim fully or partly; in the second case they ask the other party to withdraw the claim. In most cases the parties come to an amicable settlement of the claim but sometimes they may have to submit the matter to the Arbitration court at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Moscow and there the dispute is settled in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of this Commission, i.e. the parties appoint their arbitrators from among the members of the said Commission and if the two arbitrators cannot come to an agreement, they appoint an ampire. The award of the Arbitration Commission is binding upon both parties.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать текст.

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 4

1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) A person or a company buying in bulk and selling goods in small quantities is a retailer.

2) Our gross profit being very low, our firm may even suffer losses.

3) Having had much discussions both parties came to terms about the price.

2. Переведите предложения. Помните, что инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) The first problem is to convince the bank that the proposed business is likely to succeed.

2) The Sellers expected the Buyers to pay for the goods in advance at the rate of 80 per cent of the contract value.

3) We believed the machines to be shipped two months after the order was signed.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов it, that, one.

4) A product that one person sees as a good value – and is eager to buy – is of no interest to someone else.

5) It is a particular case and may bring about serious complications if not handled properly.

6) You know, that the Buyers reserve the right to reject the goods delayed more than 6 weeks.

4.  Переведите текст.

Sale of Goods through Agents.



Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to receive your letter of June 2nd and would like to tell you that we have made out the list of instruments the market needs mostly. We would be very much obliged if you could find the possibility to send us the required instruments on a three months’ consignment as a trial transaction. Upon the arrival of the goods together with a set of publications we will do our best to bring them to the notice of trade here. Unfortunately at present we cannot arrange a showroom as it may involve heavy service expenses and we are afraid that we are not prepared to make this contribution as yet.

Of course, as you are aware, there is keen competition on part of both Germany and the United Kingdom. In the field of instruments the British makers will be chief competitors of the Russian ones. The quality may be inferior but the English have cut their prices to compete successfully and not to suffer losses. This enables us to work on small commission. Besides, the English are not short of shipping facilities and therefore their freight charges are much lower, and this is also the decided advantage. Here we can calculate our profits on every transaction in advance. No doubt our calculations are rough. The remittance of amounts is effected every three months, and the balance for the goods sold by the 1st December is remitted on the 31st as provided for by the agreement.

We believe that your goods will have a good chance, provided the prices are put on the competitive basis, and then we shall be able to come to terms about sole agency.

We will write you further when we have had a possibility of testing the market.

        Yours faithfully,

                                    Krack and Co.

5.  Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 5

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) This kind of fabric becoming pretty popular, we’d like to place an order for large quantities, all for prompt delivery.

2) We can start a publicity campaign advertising your products in the technical press.

3) Resuming our discussions, we’d like to start with the point of our commission.

2. Переведите предложения. Помните, что инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) Marketing managers are expected to know the best ways to advertise products.

2) The campaign against this law is unlikely to be very strong.

3) We expect you to ship the balance of the goods within this month.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов it, that, one.

1) When is it possible to say that the equipment meets the requirements but doesn’t cover them?

2) He must have been in charge of the office for years, he knows everything about it.

3) It was the workmanship of the equipment but not the finish that was really perfect.

4. Переведите текст.



Dear Sirs, About Furnaces

We would like to draw your kind attention to the series of discussions held with your people from the Trade Representation of Russia in India, Calcutta, about your offer of an up-to-date electrically heated furnace.

We were slightly concerned about the fact that during the discussions we could only clear up the questions connected with the design and operation of the furnace. As to the commercial questions we failed to bring them up due to lack of time. The price question couldn’t be settled either. In this connection we would like to mention the fact that several well-known international suppliers have competed for the supply of furnaces. We are confident that the quality of their furnaces is equal to that of yours and the prices quoted by them are quite competitive.

The prices of furnaces offered by the A. joint-stock Company for example are f.o.b. main Black Sea ports and are considerably lower than yours.

Your representative Mr. Sedov was accordingly requested to offer prices nearer to those quoted by the above firm, that is to give us a discount. Besides we would also like you to note that earlier we agreed that the prices for the Russian furnaces should be about 25 % extra as compared with those the A. firm. 10% of the prices is due to insurance and freight and the remaining 15 % - for availability of equipment for Rupee currency, on payment by installment terms.

The cost of erection and servicing, etc. during the quarantee period was to be covered by the price.

Since we are equally interested in speeding up the signing of the contract and since the revised prices could not be finalized during the discussions in New Delhi we agreed that to make matters smooth the price discount would be officially communicated by Mr. Sedov from Moscow.

We hope that we have succeeded in clearing up the position and look forward to hearing from you soon.

       Yours sincerely, Khali & Co.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант 1

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений.

1) If the machines produced by the firm met our requirements we should place our order with it.

2) If you strictly observe the operation and maintenance instructions the results will be excellent.

3) Had they been prepared to start negotiations we should have sent our representative immediately.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции глаголов should/would.

1) Any entrepreneur should have sufficient faith in his project to back it with his own money.

2) Under a c.i.f. contract insurance charges would be paid by the Sellers.

3) They thought these quantities of coal would cover the requirements of the industry.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1) Заключения, сделанные двумя группами экспертов по работе станка последней модели, оказались настолько противоречивыми, что главный инженер завода предложил заменить этот станок другим.

2) Условия поставки вполне приемлемы, но цены несколько завышены.

3) Мы оставим у себя всю партию при условии, что дефекты будут устранены в течение месяца.

4) Фирма сообщила, что фактически товар отгружен в срок, предусмотренный контрактом, и они не считают себя ответственными за задержку в поставке.

5) Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы навели подробные справки о производственных возможностях этой фирмы.

4. Переведите текст.

General Conditions of Sale.

QUARANTEE. If the goods within the period of quarantee, i.e. 12 months of the date of putting them into operation and 18 months of the date of shipment, are found defective or fail to conform to the respective conditions of the Contract, the Sellers for their own account undertake at the Buyers’ option either to eliminate the defects or to replace the faulty parts free of charge without delay. The elimination of the detected defects shall not be regarded as a reason for any prolongation of the delivery dates. After the period of quarantee expires the defects shall be eliminated at the Buyers’ expense. The Sellers’ liability does not cover defects arising from the Buyers’ faulty maintenance or erection or from storage and repairs carried out improperly by the Buyers.

PAYMENT. Should the Buyers fail to observe the terms of payment stipulated in this Contract the Sellers have the right to suspend the fulfillment of their obligations under this Contract.

If necessary the Buyers undertake in proper time to obtain an import licence and an exchange permit and the Sellers – an export licence from the appropriate authorities.

       PACKING. The goods shall be shipped in seaworthy packing used in the Sellers’ country. The packing is to withstand, under normal transport conditions, inland and sea transportation including transhipment, and thus to avoid any damage to the goods in transit.

       CONTINGENCIES. If delay in delivery occurs as a result of fire, floods, war, embargo or any other cause beyond the Sellers’ and/or Buyers’ control, the Sellers shall be entitled to postpone the delivery of the goods. Should such delays exceed 90 days the Sellers and the Buyers shall immediately decide what steps and measures may be taken in future.

       Any alteration and amendments to this Contract shall be in force only if made in writing and duly signed by authorized persons.

       After signing this Contract, all previous negotiations and preceding correspondence shall be considered null and void.

       Neither party shall be entitled to transfer their rights and obligations under this Contract to a third party, without the written consent of the other contracting party.

5. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант 2

1. Переведите условные предложения на русский язык.

1) The firm will replace the goods free of charge if any defects are found during the quarantee period.

2) If we had increased our order to 15 Machine-tools they would have agreed to a longer quarantee period.

3) If the invention were very profitable some firms would buy the patent.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глаголов should/would.

1) It goes without saying that the goods under the contract should arrive in good condition.

2) Such particular cases wouldn’t be settled easily.

3) The manager assured us that there would be no delay in the deliveries of the machines.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1) Платеж должен производиться в рассрочку, как это оговорено в контракте.

2) Вам не придется менять всю формулировку этого параграфа, мы предлагаем внести только незначительные изменения.

3) Покупатель аннулировал заказ, так как не смог получить товар в требуемом ассортименте.

4) Фирма дала указание банку вручить покупателю отгрузочные документы против платежа.

5) Мы изучили инструкции по сборке, уходу и эксплуатации оборудования, приложенные к письму от 10-го июня.

4. Переведите текст.

Claims and Arbitration.

It may happen in business that certain terms and conditions of the Contract are infringed by the Sellers or by the Buyers and then the dissatisfied party makes a claim on the other party. Here is the example of a claim made in connection with the substandard goods delivered to the Buyers.

Messrs. Brown & Carter,


Dear Sirs,

We have received serious complaints from our customers in … with regard to the bales of Cotton Wastes supplied by you under Contract 19/14. They find that the bulk of the goods (i.e.12 bales) does not conform to the samples submitted, therefore they were forced to suspend production and are now sustaining heavy losses.

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